Dear friends,
Countless studies have shown the importance of community and social support when navigating a complex health journey. The positive emotional connections brought on by shared experience and understanding of the impact of a diagnosis can be profound.
In this spirit, I'm very much looking forward to seeing many patients and families of the UC Gardner Neuroscience Institute coming together for two major events we're proud to host this fall, the Sunflower Rev It Up for Parkinson's Walk/Run/Ride this Sunday, Sept. 10 and Walk Ahead for Brain Tumor Discoveries on Sunday, Oct. 15.
Not only do these events support critical research projects and patient-focused initiatives, they provide patients, survivors and supporters the opportunity to celebrate and remember their loved ones. I hope you'll consider joining us in support, or in person, and feel the joy and camaraderie of all that is made possible by our community.
Joseph Broderick, MD
Director of the UC Gardner Neuroscience Institute
Principal Investigator of National Coordinating Center for NIH StrokeNet
Friendship through fundraising: Two couples focus on living and making a difference
When Steve Hammoor and Mark Wilmers get together there are a lot of smiles and laughter. This tight friendship extends to their wives, Becky Hammoor and Juli Wilmers. The couples met through their fundraising efforts for Sunflower Rev It Up for Parkinson’s, a walk, run and cycling event raising funds for the James J. and Joan A. Gardner Family Center for Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders.
Steve and Mark point out that their friendship, while based on a mutual understanding, is also about savoring life. “It’s not all death and misery,” Steve says of his diagnosis. “It’s living.”
“When you share a diagnosis, you understand each other,” adds Mark.
The Hammoors and the Wilmers have collectively raised more than $500,000 for Parkinson’s research and education through their teams, Cool Beans and Hamm and Wilmer’s Warriors.
Not only has the Sunflower community provided them with lifelong friends – they know their fundraising efforts drive advances in research and care. Past projects Rev It Up for Parkinson’s have helped fund include:
- Treating orthostatic hypotension in Parkinson’s disease
- Understanding the genetics of Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders
- Understanding and treating depression and apathy in Parkinson’s
- Studying the effects of cholesterol-lowering agents on Parkinson’s disease
Sunflower Rev It Up for Parkinson’s is this Sunday, September 10. Learn more and donate and at
Pioneering treatments for ‘brain tsunamis’
University of Cincinnati researchers have enrolled the first four patients in a first-of-its-kind trial that will test a treatment for spreading depolarizations, abnormal brain activity sometimes referred to as a “brain tsunami.”
4 foods that can trigger migraines
Vincent Martin, MD, director of the Headache and Facial Pain Center, says up to 50% of people who get migraines report having a food trigger. Although food triggers can vary from person to person, Martin says, there are a few usual suspects that can bring on these painful headaches.
Study finds distinct patterns of preexisting brain health characteristics in stroke patients
University of Cincinnati researchers presented the results of the first large-scale assessment of radiological brain health in stroke patients in a population.
Extensive research has helped pinpoint risk factors for initial stroke, but there is limited understanding about what the brains of stroke patients look like on a population level, according to UC’s Achala Vagal, MD, professor of neuroradiology.
How to tell the difference between normal memory loss and memory problems
Rhonna Shatz, DO, discusses ways to tell the difference between normal memory loss and more concerning problems.
One area to watch for is friends or family members noticing mood swings that are not typical for an individual, Shatz said.
“The brain can let you know that it’s not working the way it should be with changes in mood or personality.”
Sunflower Rev It Up for Parkinson's Walk/Run/Ride
Sunday, September 10, 2023
Walk/Run Registration 8 a.m. | Walk/Run 9 a.m.
Join over 1,000 attendees including those who are personally impacted by Parkinson's and those looking to make an impact on Parkinson's research and education in our region. The WALK/RUN/RIDE event includes a 1K walk, a 5K walk/run and a 60K bike ride through downtown Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky.
Chipping Away at Parkinson's Wiffle Golf Fundraiser
Saturday, September 30, 2023 | 11:00 a.m.
Chipping Away at Parkinson's features an optional 18-hole wiffle ball golf course! Guests can enjoy dinner, drinks, and live music all in a family-friendly environment.
Walk Ahead for Brain Tumor Discoveries
Sunday, October 15, 2023
Registration 8 a.m. | Walk/Run 9 a.m.
Join the UC Brain Tumor Center for this celebration of life where families, friends and UC Health physicians come together to walk or run as a united front to advance brain tumor research and care.
A remarkable journey for WLWT anchor Courtis Fuller! Specialists in the UC Gardner Neuroscience Institute and University of Cincinnati Cancer Center worked seamlessly together to treat a rare malignant tumor in his skull.
Whether you want to honor a care team or support next-generation research, patient services or educational initiatives, we want to make it easy for you to make a difference at UC and UC Health. There are a variety of ways you can give back, and we are excited to work with you in shaping the future of the UC Gardner Neuroscience Institute.
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